I never wanted to be a housewife, cleaning, cooking and coffee mornings. How things have changed! I'm a 30 ish, married, English mum now living in Germany. The challenge: to become a less helpless housewife.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sweets, milk, toast and plastic cheese

Crazy cravings? Well more like desperate comfort food to try and ease the incestuous sick feeling. As when I was pregnant with my daughter it starts with feeling sick all day every day and then changes to the occasional bout of sickness and a easing of the constant queasiness. Shortly after finding out I was expecting we took a weeks holiday to Austria. I found travelling in the car very difficult but boiled sweets seemed to help and became my constant throughout the week. Soon they lost their appeal and on our return home I found a glass of milk first thing in the morning eased the sickness, not for long. Then in the following weeks toast seemed my savior followed by a spell of liking plastic cheese sandwiches. It all follows a similar trend of fancying a particular snack, which I then enjoy for a while, then out of the blue I can't stand the sight of said food and some other random item takes it's place. Usual pregnancy madness!

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